Commercial Real Estate Charlotte NC. How’s The Commercial Real Estate Market in Charlotte? Learn how the commercial condo sales market is performing in Charlotte-Mecklenburg County. Commercial Real Estate Charlotte North Carolina. How’s the market? Commercial Condo Report. That is what we are talking about today in my consecutive weekly video, number 64. Kind of proud of that. Hey, just real quick. This is going to be a high level overview but for the last two years people are like ‘Well, how’s the market been doing?’ Like ‘How’s 2021?’ ‘What’s it like? What’s going on?’ Let’s look at it over the last two years. How about I’ll only have like three slides in this whole presentation. So let’s take our time and look at it. Let me just show you. Okay, here we are. Q1 2021. Just finished up first quarter. 35 sales. That’s what we’re looking at first. Commercial condos or including office condos, warehouse condos, medical office condos, retail condos in Mecklenburg County. As a market we serve Taylor Mecklenburg County. So first quarter of this year, 35 sales. Fourth quarter, last year, 33 commercial condo sales. Third quarter, 2020, 29 sales. Second quarter 2020. Remember? This is when things started getting crazy. The lockdown hit us first quarter and then kind of started affecting us big time. Look at this. Only 10 sales second quarter 2020. So look at that. That was pretty big. 26 to 10, and then jumped back up to 29. So that was the only real dip that we had. You can just see after that. So first quarter, 2020, 26 sales. Fourth quarter, 2019, 31 commercial condo sales. Third quarter, 2019, 26 sales. Second quarter, 2019, 26 sales. And in first quarter of 2019, I mean, we’ll go back two years. Where are you gotta get this kind of information? Gonna get it from me. The commercial condo broker. Look right here. All data personally curated directly from Mecklenburg County tax database by– Gotta cut off right there but by me, Jeff Taylor. So this is what I do and you guys are my market. So I’m here to serve you. Okay. So that is very good. Looking at just the number of sales, right? Look at that velocity. That’s pretty good. Next, what are we looking at? Commercial condo sales, sales volume per quarter. Okay. Look down here. Here is first quarter, 2021, 22 million in sales. Fourth quarter last year, 18 million in sales Third quarter, 2020, 10 million in commercial condo sales. And look right here. Here’s our same little blip. I mean, and this is interesting. I like just saying how we were affected. We were like, ‘Ah! What’s going on?’ You know, kind of the whole vibe ‘Is the market great?’ Yeah, market’s really great right now. I mean, I know residential is great but commercial, we’re doing pretty good ourselves. Second quarter, 2020, 5 million in sales for that quarter. That was the little dip. First quarter, 8 million. All right. And then fourth quarter of 2019, 21 million. 10 million for third quarter. 895– Uh, I got a ‘K’ right there. Oh, that should we change. Anyway, for 2019. And then for first quarter, 14 million. So you can kind of see how things went. Very, very interesting to see. Right here, look at our trend. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Things are moving up and sales are great. Okay, cool. So I told you this was going to be very brief but at nice high level overview. Just to kind of say ‘Hey how is the market?’ It’s going great. Look at these trends. Everything is going upward. All right. And if you’ve been watching my video for any length of time. I always have a bonus. So Jeff, what is the bonus? What’s the bonus this week? Good news is the bonus. Okay. Q1 2021 had the highest number of sales, 35 and the highest sales volume 22 million since at least fourth quarter of 2018! Woop! How about that? That’s good news. So if you’re thinking about selling, sell! Now is the time to sell. Super low inventory. Driving the prices up for your commercial condos. If you got an office condos, warehouse condo, retail condo. It’s time to sell if you’re in Mecklenburg County. You’ll make a good money. That’s what I think. Okay. So I hope this video helps you. I hope it gives you just some very high level good news on what our market is doing. So this is fantastic for the commercial condo market in Mecklenburg County. Okay. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you want to learn more about the Charlotte Mecklenburg office space, retail space, warehouse space, all on the the umbrella of condos, commercial condos. That’s what we do.
Phone: 704-277-5333
Jeff Taylor, Commercial Real Estate Broker
Affiliated w/ NorthGroup Real Estate Inc.
16405 Northcross Drive Suite C
Huntersville, NC 28078