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The Charlotte, NC South End | Dilworth | Midtown office condo submarket contains approximately 26 office condo developments. The Midtown office condo submarket is bounded by I-277 to the North, the Railroad tracks along 7th Street & Monroe Road to the East, Wendover Road and Runnymeade Lane to the South, Park Road, Ideal Way, Remount Road and I77 to the West.
Please Note: It is my (and this blog’s) goal to 1) personally track the asking lease rate range, 2) personally track the asking sales price range and 3) personally view & critique every office condo complex in Mecklenburg County. The data shown on this blog is the result of my ongoing research and is provided to serve and educate my readers. While I may or may not have listings for lease or for sale within these office condo complexes, the information shown below should not be interpreted as properties I have for lease or sale. My goal is to serve and educate potential buyers, sellers, tenants and investors on market conditions in the Mecklenburg County Office Condo market.
Author: Jeff Taylor
Connect with Jeff Taylor on Google+[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”8234,8218,8213,8207″ img_size=”thumb”][/vc_column][/vc_row]